Wednesday, 18 June 2014

The increasing power of the tablet

I finally started using my bluetooth keyboard and it really increases my productivity on the tablet, at least when working at my desk. I also tried using a mouse using my OTG adaptor but I think I prefer the touch input. I tried looking for games which had the option of using the keyboard as input but I was unable to find any. 

I did find an Arduino IDE! It can not only compile the code but also send it to your Arduino using OTG! Unfortunately my Uno is at home so I could not test he last part but I did download the code and tested compiling on it.

This is the app name and publisher

The app
Can you spot the error(s)?

The compiler sure did!

There was also an option to purchase this.
Basically it helps you "autocomplete", like ecplise.
 If I use this app for my arduino coding I might get it.

So this basically means that I no longer have to lug my Mac around just for my Arduino. I can simply carry my NotePro now! =D

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