Monday, 9 November 2015

fired up NFC reader

So I went home and tried the Pi, it booted up just fine. So the HDMI-VGA adapter I have is the problem. Not sure if I should
(1) get a new one (not sure if it will work)
(2) get a small screen just for the Pi, about 5 or 7 inches, seems to sell for about 50sgd on
(3) get a new (and bigger) hdmi monitor :p
(4) just switch my monitor with the one at home
(5) get a new dongle and continue using SSH. This isn't ideal when I need to fire up the GUI as it isn't stable over SSH.

Anyways, photos.

Booting up the RPi

The NFC board did not indicate power so I realized I need to solder them (the bending for contact method did not work). 

Luckily I was at home and my soldering kit was available.

All soldered up. Did not do a very good job. Think I will buy a thinner solder as well. 

It now indicated power when connected to the RPi.

Here I have managed to recover the keys of a old NFC card I had lying around. 
I had some issues with installing this MFOC library. I will experiment more after the exams and explain in detail my issues when I do so.

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